January 24, 2019- ULART
1. Call to Order. (No attachment)
2. Administration of Oath of Office. (No attachment)
3. Roll Call. (No attachment)
4. Approval of minutes. (No attachment)
5. Comments from members of the public on items not on the agenda and public testimony on all agenda items. (No attachment)
Note: The period between 2:15 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. has been set aside for public testimony. No public testimony will be taken after
2:45 p.m. The public hearing begins at 2:15 p.m. In the event that all speakers have been heard prior to 2:45 p.m., or upon completion of public hearing, whichever occurs first, the public hearing will be closed and the Working Group deliberations will
begin. Individuals will be allowed three minutes to speak and representatives of organizations/agencies will be allowed five minutes
to speak. Speaker times may be reduced depending on the number of speakers.
Non-English speaking individuals using translators
will be allowed additional time, unless simultaneous translation equipment is provided.
6. Reports from the Water & Environment and People & Recreation committees.
7. Interactive map discussion session.
8. Staff update.
9. Consideration of resolution adopting the Community Engagement and Outreach Plan. Staff Report Resolution Attachment
10. Consideration of resolution recommending that the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Governing Board authorize non-governmental organizations to provide community engagement and outreach services. Staff Report Resolution
11. Consideration of resolution adopting goals and objectives for the revitalization plan. Staff Report Resolution Attachment
12. .Consideration of resolution adding the Burbank Western Channel to the revitalization plan. Staff Report Resolution Attachment
12. Member comments on matters not on the agenda. (No attachment)
13. Announcement of future meetings and adjournment. (No attachment)